Part 3

The knowledge of certain rules of interpretation and the observance of these rules when studying the Scriptures is very important and helpful in arriving at a clear understanding of God's Word.



Explanation  >>>>



    1. Discover the author.

      1. Get acquainted with his home life and parental background.

      2. Get acquainted with his community life.

      3. Get acquainted with his occupational life.

      4. Get acquainted with his general outlook.

    2. Discover the people or object addressed.

      1. Discover to whom or to what the words of a given passage are spoken.

        1. Moses and the prophets spoke directly to Israel, and their outlook as a rule was from the legal standpoint.

        2. The New Testament writers wrote and spoke of Gods provision to govern the  lives and activities of both Jew and Gentile through the grace and truth which He sent through Jesus Christ.

        3. What was spoken to Israel nationally is not necessarily applicable to the church of God and vice versa.

          (What Moses and the prophets spoke to the nation of Israel as a people should not be applied to anyone else except Israel.  If in a given passage a certain fundamental basic principle is set forth it may be applied to an analogous case.  Be most certain that the analogy exists before an application of the principle is made.  Compare Jer. 31:31 ff and Heb. 8. The book of Psalms expresses the national hopes of Israel and the spiritual relations of Israel with God. However there are certain Psalms that are of the individual nature-Psalm 1, 23,25, etc.

        4. Though all wrote of the same (one and only gospel--Gal. 1:8,9) the writers of each of the four gospels wrote to a different group of people:

          1. Matthew wrote to the Jew;

          2. Mark to the Roman;

          3. Luke to the Greek;

          4. John to the Gnostics.

        5. The account of the Acts of the Apostles may have been written to one person Theophilus but the messages of the book are of inestimable value to the church today.

        6. There are some portions of the Scriptures which were not spoke infallibly by the Spirit of God.

          1. Any quotation in chapter 1,2 and 38 - 42 of Job  may be handled as the inspired revelation of God but the material found in chapters 3-37 of the book of Job are not to be lifted to the level of a revelation from God. These chapters are simply the inspired record of what men said and did (Job 38:2).

          2. What is said about the book of Job is true with reference to the book of Ecclesiastes, which is the spiritual biography of a man from chapter 1:1 through 12:12.

      2. In addition, note particularly whether or not a specific promise or promises  given in the Scriptures are made to specific people under specific conditions.  (Anyone standing before God on the same ground as the one to whom a specific promise has been made may claim the same promise upon the principle that the Lord is no respecter of persons.)

    3. Discover the life and times of the people involved in a given case.

      1. Note the spiritual conditions that prevail.

      2. Note the political economic and social conditions.

      3. Note the world situation.

      4. Note particularly the laws and customs of the times for these vary in order to suit the lives of certain individuals, under specific circumstances at specific times.

        1. (for example ) New York requires laws to govern traffic at water fronts, Arizona does not need such laws.

        2. Jews celebrate Passover: Christians celebrate Easter to commemorate the liberty God set in motion in the resurrection of Christ Jesus.